Saturday, January 26, 2013

Winter is a Breeze with these Immune Building Tips

Just say no way to catching colds and the flu! Take the time to build your immune system so that you can Thrive during this winter season.

Building your immune system may not be an overnight fix. I started in October 2011 to take control and to rebuild my health. I am happy to report that I have not caught a cold or had a flu sense I've changed my lifestyle to be healthier.

So start today with these immune system building ideas and just say no way to catching a cold or flu:

Let's examine each of these tips so that we can clearly know the benefits:

Vitamin D3 From the sun or a capsule:
Research as shown that since our overall lifestyle is indoor based that we're loosing out on the benefits of the sun. The sun is life force that's not just for plants and animals. We need the benefits of the sun as well! A lack of sunshine can lead to a host of health issues. If your lifestyle is indoor based or you live in a region that lacks sufficient sunshine then it's best to supplement with a Vitamin D3 capsule. Of course the preferred method for obtaining D3 is directly from the sun.


*Boosts the immune system
*Has anti-cancer properties
*Builds strong bones
*Helps build better mood

Homemade Fermented Foods:
Well, you could buy fermented foods but there are not a lot of high quality choices in grocery stores. Fermented foods are easy to make and as I've said it several times on this site, it's definitely a super food.

Here's why:

*Helps to digest food
*Helps to absorb nutrients
*The fermenting process unleashes more vitamins than if the veggie or fruit was not fermented
*Helps to balance gut flora

According to Dr. Mercola, for optimal health we should strive for a ratio of 85% "good" bacteria and 15% "bad" bacteria. This can be achieved by simply eating homemade fermented foods on a daily basis. Dr. Mercola points out in one of his articles that:

"Historically, people didn't have the same problems with their gut health as we do today for the simple fact that they got large quantities of beneficial bacteria, i.e. probiotics, from their diet in the form of fermented or cultured foods, which were invented long before the advent of refrigeration and other forms of food preservation."

Your gut, brain and immune system are all connected. So if you are seeking to build your immune system then you'll definitely want to eat fermented foods!

Reducing chemicals:
This category affects our every day life because it's hard to escape chemicals 100%. Eating foods with chemicals, using household cleaners with chemicals and personal care products can affect in lowering our immune system. As boutique owner Anna Canngiano of Au Naturel Health and Beauty mentioned in her video interview with us back in November, "60% of what we put onto our skin is absorbed into our bodies at a faster rate than what we eat", so we have to shop smarter and really read the ingredients that are in the products that we use.

* What's your favorite deodorant?
* What type of household cleaners do you use?
* You look great in that lipstick but what's it made from?
* Does your favorite restaurant use filtered water and organic ingredients? Hmmmm
* What are we rubbing into our skins on a daily basis and breathing that is contributing to a weakening of our immune system?

Take the extra step and look up ingredients on the products that you currently use. A good website to reference is cosmetic database. You can search by brand or ingredient and find out the toxicity level and the harm that it can do to your body. You can also just type in the name of the ingredient in your browser to reveal a host of articles from various sources.

You can reduce the chemicals that you bring into your home by a very large percent by just choosing not to spend your money on products that can contribute to lowering your immune system. There are so many eco-friendly products made from naturally derived ingredients on the market. This also includes chemical free make-up. I've been using the Ecco Bella brand of lipstick for about three months now and I love it!

Seek healthier options for your daily living routines and you will see your health improve.

Eat a Whole Foods Diet:
I'm not speaking about the grocery store. I'm referring to buying foods that are not heavily processed which is basically an elimination of junk foods. Look up the ingredients that are listed on those bags of candy or box of donuts, even on that bottle of ketchup. Do we really want to digest Red Dye #40 and Yellow Dye #5? Can you imagine what consuming dye can do long term to our immune systems and to those of our children?

There are better choices, we just have to seek them.

Having a large grain based diet can also contribute to weakening your immune system because it contains inhibitors that can cause havoc in your system. Jeff Barnett of Cross Fit Impulse has a very easy to understand article about the detrimental affects of wheat. He explaines that wheat contains lectins which are proteins that we can not digest, can spike our insulin, has protease inhibitors and phytates that prohibit nutrient absorption.

Buying farm fresh from local farmers whom you agree with their farming practices is a great way to purchase produce and meats. Farming practices range from Biodynamics, Organic and Naturally grown to name a few.

So in order to build our immune system, we want to eat as clean of diet as possible without consuming foods like grains that are difficult to digest and foods with chemicals added to them.

...By the way when did it ever become acceptable in our culture to eat dyes and other poisons? I think I'll pass on the birthday cake with the fancy decoration and those cute little muffins with the sprinkles on top.

Natural Supplements
Supplements are necessary because, it is not always possible to obtain all of the nutrients from our diet. Just like vitamin D3, additional supplements should be added when needed and as desired. Having your blood tested to see where you stand is a great starting point to know what additions to your diet are needed.

Supplements to your diet to name a few such as spirulina, seaweeds, camu-camu (which is reported to have the highest level of vitamin C amongst plants) are ways to boost your immune system.

Start now to rebuild your immune system. Just say no to colds and the flu! Start little by little to make changes to your life that will benefit your health. A healthy life with a strong immune system is more than about the foods that you eat, it's also about the everyday products that you use.

Have Fun with Fashion and a Healthy Life!


Video interview regarding health and beauty and chemicals in beauty products:

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