Saturday, February 9, 2013

Gotta Love It! Vitamin D3's Benefits

Thanks for bearing with me through the periods of no posting as I've been super busy at my full-time job, doing my best to incorporate the strategies in one of my earlier posts Water, Beauty and Rest.

This new post is actually inspired by a comment that I left on Au Naturel's blog about the benefits of Vitamin D3 for EVERYONE. I commented on it from my own cultural's perspective but the sun gives life for ALL!

vitamin D3 & immune health

"As an African American, I never thought that vitamin D3 ---the sun was necessary that was until for the first time in my life last year, I had my D3 level checked. It was so low! I mean in the danger zone. Since then, I've been supplementing with 10,000 IU & higher and I've raised it to a normal level.

I think, how did I go through my whole life without this being checked? The only reason why I had it checked last year was not because of my doctor's suggestion but because my boyfriend said that it was important to check.

I believe D3 has helped to build my immune system along with my other daily healthy routines. I was the only one in my office this flu season who did not catch a cold or flu. There's definitely a need to spread the word about the benefits of D3 so thanks Au Naturel Health & Beauty for this post!

vitamin D3 & immune health

And for the African American community who do not live year round in the sun, I suggest that you get your D3 level checked. Having brown skin does not mean that we do not need the benefits of the sun. We need much more than we think...and taking a good D3 supplement is an easy way to achieve this. ...There's ton's of info about African American's low level intake of Vitamin D online."

I think the problem within my cultural community stems from the need to dispel old myths and lack of information shared about the benefits of the sun for overall health. I've been using the Carlson brand 10,000 IU's which is derived from cod liver oil. There is also vitamin D3 derived from lanolin (sheep wool oil). How are you getting your D3? The natural sun is the absolute best way and if that's not available then supplementation is key.

Have Fun with Fashion and a Healthy Life!

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