Saturday, August 31, 2013

A Day at the Farmer's Market---Tarrytown, NY

I enjoyed having "Be Empowered! Be Forever Beautiful" featured at the Tarrytown farmer's market today. It was a great way to meet neighbors that I would never had met. I also met a few tourists out enjoying the day.

The weather was nice, the musician was really good and the crowd was truly beautiful.

Today's event reminded me of the importance of being social offline. I appreciate the online social networks but meeting you in person is 1,000 times better.

Thank you Down to Earth Markets for a wonderful day!

(today's market theme)

(fruit for paper weight)

See you all in 2 weeks! ===> Click here to get your ticket to Be Empowered! Be Forever Beautiful, Fashion, Wellness and Beauty event.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Natural Lipstick for Luscious Lips!

I'm a big fan of Ecco Bella lipstick because there's no chemicals in it. Our body absorbs what we put on it so do we really want to use cosmetics with known chemicals on our precious face?

There are safer options!

In this video, Anna Cangiano owner of Au Naturel Health and Beauty in Tarrytown, NY gives us a tour of the Ecco Bella makeup collection.

My tip for buying cosmetics:

Even within an "all natural" brand it's wise to check out the ingredients list on each product to make sure it's A-OK!

Have you tried natural make up? If so what's your fav brand?

Fashion, Beauty and Health go Hand in Hand!

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Bell Peppers for Beautiful Skin?

Today's market find was an array of bell peppers. I had never seen purple or black bell peppers before.

Bell peppers are high in vitamin C. According to, bell peppers are the second highest food with vitamin C behind papaya.

bell peppers, vitamin c

Regarding beauty, having vitamin C in your diet is great for facial skin elasticity.

According to

"Collagen and elastin are the two main reasons our skin remains smooth and resilient in our youth. Elasticity provides the ability to "bounce back" after repeated movements. Years of facial expressions, exposure to excessive UV light and other damaging dietary or environmental factors really start to show when this elasticity is compromised."

Normally when I think of vitamin C, I think of oranges but it looks like bell peppers surpass oranges with the amount of vitamin C present.

To get the most nutrients from bell peppers, suggest to saute lightly and to not over cook.

Did you know that bell peppers are higher in vitamin C than oranges?
