Sunday, July 28, 2013

Beef is Healthy! – Grass Fed Beef Benefits

Want to know the scoop about buying high quality grass fed beef and fresh eggs? Today I met with Natalie from Brookside farm located in Gardiner, NY.

She defined the phrase "grass fed" meat, she described the benefit of consuming animal fat and of eating pasture raised chicken and eggs.

It's so refreshing to know that quality food choices are available.

..."He that seeks shall find."

------------------------------ ***Come and celebrate feeling good and looking good from the inside out at our 1st "Be Empowered! Be Forever Beautiful event". Click here to read more details: Be Empowered! Be Forever Beautiful.

Tickets are now available but don't wait too late!!!!

***Click here to see flyer and get your ticket today:
Be Empowered! Be Forever Beautiful

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Fresh Nutrient Dense Food for a Healthier Body!

Are there more nutrients in food grown in a rich soil? Should one even be concerned about this?

Last Saturday's visit to the farmer's market was a success. I met a representative at Gaia's Breath Farm who does biodynamic farming. The whole chicken that you see pictured here is from their farm. Biodynamic farming incorporates healthy soil practices and maintaining unison between the land and the animals.

There is a definite difference in taste from biodynamic farmed food versus regular organic and grass fed meat. It's very rich and heavenly. My guess is that if the soil is prepared to be nutrient dense then the harvested food will be as well. I can see how this can help improve one's health.

If you're looking to go BEYOND organic, try food from a biodynamic farm. You might be surprised at how tasty it is.

nutrient dense fresh food

Fashion, Health & Beauty Go Hand in Hand, don't you agree?
Come and celebrate feeling good and looking good from the inside out at our 1st "Be Empowered! Be Forever Beautiful event".

Tickets are now available but don't wait too late!!!!
***Click here to get your ticket today: Be Empowered! Be Forever Beautiful

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Be Empowered! Be Forever Beautiful: Fashion, Health, Beauty Event

Fashion, Beauty and Health really do go hand in hand! I'm very pleased to announce that tickets are now available for our charitable fashion, health and beauty event!

Click here to get your ticket right away!
Why is this event charitable? Because a portion of ticket sales will go to Hilltop Hanover Farm and Environmental Center.

Why Hilltop Hanover? They practice sustainable farming and are local in Westchester, NY. They are a working farm with their own farm store selling their produce. They offer educational classes for children and adults.

Sustainable practices makes our world cleaner and brighter!

Hilltop Hanover is a perfect candidate because they care about their community and they share their knowledge with others.

Here's the link to purchase your ticket. Secure your ticket today before all seats are taken! You know how fashion shows go!!!
I hope to see you at our event in September!


Click here to see the event flyer: Be Empowered! Be Forever Beautiful

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Exquisitely Made---New York Fashion Designer Presents Her Collection

Wow!!! Super Fabulous! Why am I so excited??? I've just received confirmation that New York fashion designer Doreen Arthurs is booked to show her collection at our Be Empowered! Be Forever Beautiful fashion, health and beauty lifestyle event.

Doreen has been making clothes for the past 30 years since she was 19 years old. She's also worked for various companies in New York City. She's a master pattern maker and designer. She can custom make clothes in any category: wedding dress, casual, sport. If you think custom apparel is only for a select few, think again. Doreen's customized basic dresses are affordably priced.

Come and meet this fabulous designer, see her collection and you just might be swayed to have your next dress custom made by this lovely New York fashion design master.

(Wedding dress designed and custom made by Doreen Arthurs)

Join us Saturday September 14th at Au Naturel Health & Beauty for the 1st ever fashion, health and beauty lifestyle event!

Doreen will be present her fashion collection along with other exhibitors. We're all about having Fun with Fashion and a Healthy Life. We'll share health and beauty tips that will keep you forever beautiful!

***Click here to get your ticket today:
I'm securing my ticket right now!

Like us on Facebook for more updated event details!
Be Empowered! Be Forever Beautiful

Connect with us on Google +:
Be Empowered! Be Forever Beautiful

Friday, July 19, 2013

Be Empowered! Be Forever Beautiful Event

Fashion, Health and Beauty go hand in hand! Don't you agree? Oh yes, it's so easy to look good on the outside but how do we really feel internally? Are we taking care of ourselves to match our outer image?

Well, I've started an organization that brings fashion, health and beauty together. This organization is called, Be Empowered! Be Forever Beautiful. I've teamed up with like minded individuals in the fashion, health and beauty fields to create empowering events for communities throughout the world. Our first event will be this September 14th in Tarrytown, NY. This is a charitable event, part of ticket sales will go to an organization that practices sustainable farming in Westchester, NY.

If you're local to New York City or Westchester, NY you've got to come to this event!!!

You don't want to miss out on empowering tips that will keep you forever beautiful.

***Click here to get your ticket today:
I'm securing my ticket right now!

Like us on Facebook for more updated event details!
Be Empowered! Be Forever Beautiful

Connect with us on Google +:
Be Empowered! Be Forever Beautiful

Friday, July 12, 2013

Super Quick Homemade Pickle Recipe

homemade pickle recipe

This fermented recipe was super easy to make. I made it in abt 15 mins before work yesterday morning.

Fermented foods are loaded with enzymes to aid in digestion, absorption, transportation & elimination of food.

It also has a higher content of vitamins and probiotics. You might not need to buy store brand enzymes and probiotics if you make your own fermented foods.

I used ingredients that I had currently available. Feel free to follow a traditional pickle recipe or create your own version.

* Kirby cucumbers

* Onions

* Garlic

* Mineral salt (Celtic sea salt, Himalayan crystal salt) FYI: pure white salt is void of minerals event if it says "sea salt". Mineral salt will have a color to it.
* Filtered or spring water

* Chop all ingredients to desired size.

* Place in air tight glass jar.

* Add approximately a teaspoon or less of salt depending on how big your jar is and how salty you want it. I used only a teaspoon and it ferments nicely. You can always add more salt to your individual serving if you'd like.

* Close lid and shake to mix.

* Push food down below the brine and allow for abt 1" of air space.

* Let sit for a few days on kitchen counter then transfer to refrigerator.

* Taste as you go along to make sure it's desired taste. With this hot weather it might ferment quicker than expected.

Super Easy!!!
Enjoy your own homemade probiotics and enzymes. Try exploring different recipes.

Have Fun with Fashion and A Healthy Life!

Friday, July 5, 2013

Calling All New York Fashion Designers!

Thanks for visiting!

I've created an organization called Be Empowered! Be Forever Beautiful. It comprises of like minded individuals in the fashion, health, food and beauty fields who come together to promote the idea of feeling good and looking good from the inside out. Our first event will be a fashion, health and beauty event in Tarrytown, NY which is a 38 minute express train ride from Grand Central terminal in NYC.

We're looking for a few designers to show their collection in this unique lifestyle event. Are you local to NYC and Westchester. Would you like to be considered as a featured designer? If so, email me directly and I will send you more details at

We look forward to featuring your design collection!

Click on image to see larger.