One thing that I found valuable during my time away from blogging and tweeting is how important fermented foods are in my diet. I started to slack off with making fermented foods for about one month. During this time, I could tell that I didnt' feel 100% but, I could not put my finger on what I was lacking until I finally bought a jar of fermented carrot ginger mix from Union Square Market one Saturday.
As soon as I had some about ten minutes later, my body woke up! Seriously. I felt alive again. And a very important note is that during the time of no veggie fermented foods, my confidence started to slip. This might seem weird but, I had to post this to let you know that for some people food and psychology go hand in hand. Dr. Natasha Campbell McBride makes this relationship through her research and has labeled it GAPS (Gut and Psychology Syndrome).
Here's the Tip:
If you're ever at a point where you don't have time to make your own fermented foods or you just need a break from making your own, I highly recommend Hawthorne Valley and Real Pickles brands of fermented foods. They both offer a good variety and they are local to NYC. So far, I've had their pickles, Kvass and carrot ginger fermented veggies. They are both tasty and organic.
So, if you're not in the mood for making your own fermented foods, buy these high quality brands and you won't miss a beat.

Have Fun with Fashion and A Healthy Life!